Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just for you Mom!

On Tuesday morning I was back getting ready for Bible study and Alex came barreling into my room. "Mommy come wook it! I made dis weawy (really) special fing (thing) just for you! Wook it! Wook it!" So we run out in the living room to see he's stacked his cars and lined up all the little people just for me. Aren't I a special mommy to get such a treat? :)

The Tent

On Monday night Mrs. Kris brought Alex a present from IKEA. A TENT! It's a huge hit. He's taken all his naps in it and slept in it the last two nights. A lot of good quality time is spent playing in the tent each day. Here's a few pictures from our latest adventure.
All ready for nap!
Naptime in the tent.
It gets kind of crazy in there!

Last Friday

Last Friday while Tara was off helping Aunt Katie have her baby Kylee and Jude came to play with us. We spent lots of time on the couch reading library books (mostly of Kylee's choosing). Here I am looking a little crazy reading "Elephant and Piggie."

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Look Mom!

I drew the letter C!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I would like to now publicly apologize to my mother for the hours and hours I spent complaining about my younger sister's outfits as a child. The begging and pleading to please make her change so she wouldn't embarrass me so much....I now understand what it is like to have a child want to choose their own clothes and who seems to think the more colors/patterns/textures the better.

Like my outfit?

Please take note of the socks: they are inside out, upside down and mismatched.

On a Really Long Day...

On those really long days when you want to scream. When you've answered every question 400 times, sent a little boy to time out too many times, cleaned up too many icky diapers and watched more tantrums than you'd like to count these sweet moments make it seem not quite so bad. These moments remind me that those really long days are few and far between and that I really do love being a mom.
Alex, Sam, Joe and Barry

A Trike

Alex is working hard on his pedaling skills. It's slowly improving each ride. I have to say though that he's more impressed with the little bell on the bike than with actually riding!

Welcome to the Funny Farm!